To maximize harvests, constant monitoring is required throughout the season; and it is not easy finding the time to keep up with changes for each crop, not to mention monitoring the condition of every single acre. When deciding on long-term plans, a comparative analysis has to be carried out for both the usual course of the seasonal cycle and, in particular, any crises that have arisen.

“To assess the current situation and to keep track of changes compared with preceding seasons and with the condition of neighboring fields, accurate information on both the past and the present is needed, as well as future forecasts that are as precise as possible."
There are currently numerous services that help with
managing farms for any acreage: checking boundaries and nutrient and moisture intake, monitoring the negative effects of weather conditions and diseases, and controlling pest numbers. And this can all be done without having to visit the fields, just by using a phone or tablet screen or a PC.
Drying out of plants or, conversely, an excess of moisture and a rise in the number of pests: these can all take their toll on the size and quality of the harvest and demand a rapid response. There are also such problems as the danger of overusing fertilizers, which poses a threat not only in terms of extra costs but also in that it is harmful to the environment and primarily to the health of farmers themselves.
Air temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc. We provide not only current readings but also historical data for analysis and weather forecasts.
Crucial indices allowing you to adjust irrigation work and prevent crop root damage
PA & TA:
Temperature quantity index, expressed as the sum of diurnal temperatures exceeding a set threshold. Humidity quantity index, expressed as t
he sum of precipitation. This data is essential to decision-making regarding the date and favorability of conditions for sowing important crops.
We provide current and historical data to allow analysis of vegetation growth rates and subsequent forecasting.
UV radiation has a direct effect on plant photosynthesis. Short-wavelength UV light in small quantities can increase the growth of certain types of plants and have a beneficial effect on further development, while constant exposure to medium-wavelength UV can kill crops. This index is useful for a complete analysis of potential agricultural land.
Mainly used to show vegetation cover and differentiate it from urban land and any land not used for agricultural purposes. With these images it is also possible to distinguish between different types of vegetation.
Posted By Aeroshil